Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween Week

So this past week was Halloween and it was a busy one.

Of course on Tuesday we had our usual CSF meeting where we looked at Luke 6.20-26 and talked about how God is a God that reverses fortune. Our discussion surrounding it was pretty good, though looking back I think I might need to reevaluate the teaching time and add more than just straight up, "This is what the text is saying." My hope was to stay away from sermons, but it seems as if it may come to that. We'll give it a try in the next few weeks and see what happens!

Last week I got to meet with the Director of Student Affairs and we had a good talk, finding out what his office does, their goals, and how CSF can help with them. The journey of meeting with different administrators has actually be a good experience. This week I get to meet with the Chancellor, and I'm expecting that to go well as well.

On Wednesday First Church had their Fall Festival which I got to help out with. We ended having 5 of our students help out running the inflatables. There were a massive amount of kids there which was awesome to see. We decided we needed to test out one of the bouncy houses, so two college students, a middle school student, and I got in. The hose that was connected to the fan disconnected while we were in there and the entire thing collapsed on us. Luckily that didn't happen with any kids!

One of our students attends another church in town here, and their Trunk or Treat was on Thursday. I popped in to make an appearance, more or less, see how things were going, help out with some set up, and meet the pastor. We ended up having some more students come out to help as well which was awesome to see. Unfortunately I had an assignment due that I needed to finish. Wasn't the most fun time ever.

Friday we set up in the chapel again with some game systems to hang out with students. We had a few come by which was great to have.

Saturday we worked another Penn State game. We again had a few students come with us which was a good time. The time flew by, and everyone really enjoyed themselves.

Some things that are going on with the ministry:

I'm working on a code of conduct, responsibilities of leadership as a whole, and individual responsibilities for the different leadership positions. My hope soon is to get our student leaders together, get their input on roles, responsibilities, what they expect of themselves and me as well. With all of this form a contract, and have them sign it. Hopefully next semester then we can get them to start fulfilling some of these responsibilities.

We're also trying to get some events planned. There's a good number of students interested in going to Passion down in Atlanta this year, and I'm hoping that we'll have that planned soon so we can advertise on campus for it.

I also am trying to get some more Bible studies up and running throughout the week. Of course there is the one on Wednesday nights, but I also want to do one going through Hebrews.

As always my plate is incredibly full. Luckily I'm free to spend the majority of my time doing work, not having a family or anything right now, which is incredibly advantageous with starting a ministry from the ground up again.

Thank you for your prayers and support and hope everyone had a great October. Hopefully by the end of today I'll have a news letter done, emailed, printed, and sent out!

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