Saturday, June 7, 2014

First and Last Post

Well this is my first post on this blog, but it is also my last post. Last from home that is.

Tomorrow I move to Pittsburgh to start a year long internship at the University of Pittsburgh, working with students and discipling them. (For those of you who go to a church or have not been taught about discipleship, it is basically pouring yourself into others, just as Christ pours himself into us, building them up and training them to do the same. So whenever I talk about discipleship or similar uses of the word, this is what it means.)

My hope is that those who are reading this are supporting me, but there may be some of you who are not and have no idea what I'm talking about. So allow me to clarify!

Campus ministry is not like church, where you have a steady income of money from those you have in your congregation. We have a complete rotation of students every four years. College students that is. And we're poor as all get out. So in order for this ministry to function, and in order for me to not be living on the street when I get to Pittsburgh, I have to raise funds.

[Shameless Plug] If you would like to donate, which would be phenomenal, just write a check and send it to

Christian Student Foundation
P.O. Box 221
State College, PA 16804

and put my name on the memo line. If you're interested in donating monthly ($20, $50, $100 whatever) a month, send a voided check with a note with contact info and who you want to support. 

If you're interested in helping and have any questions, you can contact me through email, or the foundation itself at

[End Shameless Plug]

Over all, I'm really excited for this opportunity that God is putting in my life. I've been trying to get into different ministries, an internship at Southeast, a job in Dayton, keeping my job in southeast Ohio, and all of them fell through. This is the only ministry opportunity that never had a door close on me. I've had people I highly respect encourage me and tell me that campus ministry is something that would be absolutely perfect for my ministry style. I know that through this chance, I will actually be able to do my part for the Kingdom. I can actually make disciples and numbers wont matter. I'll have chances to work with students from all over the world, training and building them up, so that they can go and do the same. This will be us making disciples of all nations, just as Jesus has commanded us to do. How great of an opportunity is that? 

Note about the naming of this blog which I think I just changed to "The Year of the Beard" and the description which basically says "my adventures at U of Pitt doing campus ministry." The reason I have named the blog itself thus is because I want to grow out my beard the entire year, so I will be shaving tomorrow and making myself look like I'm 16 again. And I call this an adventure because I see it as one. I'm going to a city I don't know, with no idea what kind of funds I'll have, and even my living situation isn't fully nailed down yet. But I fully believe this is what God wants me to do so I'm not stressing about it. I know He's going to do amazing things in my life this next year, and throughout the rest of my life, but this next year will be a huge test of faith not only for me, but definitely my family (my parents are freaking more than I am). But this year will be a launching platform for the rest of my life if this is the ministry that God is calling me to do. 

As for the content of the blog, I'll be updating it about once a week probably, maybe more, maybe less. I'll be telling of things going on, encouraging things going on, wins, loses, students (though no names will be used). I'm incredibly excited for this chance that God has given me, and I hope that if you're reading this you are too.

God Bless and see you on the other side.

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