Monday, October 26, 2015

October's Coming to a Close

Well a week from yesterday is the beginning of November! October has flown by. This week even more so.

Here's what's been going on!

This past weekend he had our Annual CSFPA Fall Retreat! We ended up having two students come who had a blast. We went down to Camp Christian (where I go during summer) and had a great time with fellowship with other students from different ministries, learning from a well educated Old Testament scholar, engaging times of worship, and a lot of just random fun. I actually played ultimate for the first time in forever and I had trouble getting out of bed the past two days. But it was worth it. We also ended up having a group of about 35 or 40 students all go get ice cream all at the same time, following our lead because CSF Altoona is a trend setter! or people just wanted ice cream. It wasn't until we were on our way back that I found out that we came to the place 10 minutes before they closed... While there I got to see some of the students from Pitt along with Greg and his family which was awesome! I really enjoyed seeing them all again and getting to catch up.

Some other things that have been going on, we're attempting to create good relations with the campus, so I've been setting up meetings with different administrators on campus. Last week I got to meet with the Office of Student Conduct and talked about some of our goals, their goals, and how we can help each other achieve these. We ended up having really good discussions and I'm excited about the support that CSF can give that office. Later this week and next I'm also meeting with the Office of Student Affairs and the Chancellor of the University.

Lately I've been reviewing the constitution that CSF has filed with the campus, and we're looking to write a new one since this one hasn't been touched in 6 years. Along with that I'm working on responsibilities of leadership, a code of conduct for our leadership, and gathering resources for our students to create a Theology of Leadership.

The relationship with the church is going incredibly well. This week is its annual Fall Harvest where I'll be filling whatever role is needed. The next day is a safe trick or treat put on by campus which hopefully we'll be able to be a part of.

Our Tuesday Meetings are going well with a good number of students coming. We're getting further into Luke, this week we're looking at Luke 6.20-26 which will be part 1 out of 3. I'm pretty excited about the discussion which is going to be happening!

Well that' all from Altoona for now. As always feel free to get in touch with me anytime!

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